
關於本店 About Shop

翠綠花店創立於2005年,Mia Wong是Green Florist的創辦人。1989年正式投入花藝的行業,累積十多年在該行的經驗,得到當時雇主的賞識,將她的花店事業轉讓了給我。由於她的部分顧客為城中名人。至今仍然得到他們的支持,對本人的事業帶來很大的信心。酒店花房亦是業務之一,由當時只為一間洒店提供服務,經過酒店員工與酒店員工之間的介紹,現在本公司亦成為多間酒店的非合約性供應商。

The Green Florist was founded in 2005 and Mia wong is the founder of Green Florist. In 1989, the industry officially invested in the flower industry, accumulated more than 10 years of experience in the bank, and was appreciated by the employers at that time. Transferred her flower shop career to me. Since some of her customers are celebrities in the city, they still have their support and have great confidence in my career. The sprinkler shop is also one of the business. It was only served by one hotel the hotel staff, it is now The company has also become a non-contractual supplier of many hotels. The inspiration for the work is tailored to each customer’s unique requirements. In 2014, SARASA was invited to cooperate with us. SARASA is a wedding and large banquet. Site design company. Founder Mashu is an Indian woman who values, cares and unique ideas for each project. Every event brings infinite applause and praise for customer satisfaction and product and service creativity, bringing joy and leaving every unforgettable moment. This The mission of the Green Florist.